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Nursery 1

Hello Parents! I believe that the early childhood curriculum lays the foundation for children in providing lifelong learning. Children are mighty learners, capable of most things, and eager to learn. They should have endless opportunities to play, explore, experiment, and discover so that their learning would be continuous. Moreover, I would be able to provide a classroom that is safe, pleasant and have numerous hands-on activities that are interesting and enjoyable for the children to develop an inquisitive mindset
-Ms Mitha
Term 1 Overview:
This term gave children an opportunity to gain knowledge on the topic ‘My Body and I’. Children engaged themselves in an activity called ‘Bean Bag Body Balance’. The children named out a body part and placed the bean bag on it till the finish line to pass over the bean bag to their peers. Through this lesson, children were involved in taking ownership of their learning in the desired topic and collaboratively learn with the environment together with their peers.
Term 1:
My Body and I
Term 2 Overview:
This term gave children an opportunity to gain knowledge on the topic ‘Animals as Pets’. Children engaged in an activity called ‘Guess The Animal?’ In this activity, children picked to review an animal flashcard and the child was encouraged to use a word/an act to describe the animal to the class. This lesson involved child-directed learning and focused on the learner’s use of senses to explore the environment.
Term 2:
Animals as Pets
Term 3:
Land Transportation

Term 3 Overview:

This lesson gave children an opportunity to gain knowledge on the topic ‘Land Transportation’. It encouraged children to take ownership of learning their desired topic as well as actively involved their senses to explore the world around them.

Lesson Overview:
This was carried out by showing images of different modes of land transports available in their surroundings. Furthermore, the children were brought on a discovery walk called ‘How We Travel’. This discovery walk allowed them to explore the environment and observe the land transports in their surroundings.
Lesson Objectives:
1) Identify Land Transportation in their surroundings
2) Draw their favourite mode of land transport


is the compilation of children's work sample and learning process as they engage in learning opportunities 

(MacNaughton & Williams, 2009). Documentation helps explain to readers the purpose, experience and development of the lesson conducted for the children by including photographs    showing work in progress and descriptions written by the educator (Seitz, 2008). 

is used in preschool education to gain new information, increase understanding of something or to compare our own understandings with those of other people. (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009). It helps direct children’s focus to a particular issue or event and helps children build on their learning on the specific topic that is being mentioned. (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).

Children's observations:

Drawing in the form of evidence of children's learning. It also allows parents to see what their child is learning in the lesson.​

Display of children's work in classroom:

It deepens children's learning as they would be able to visualise their drawings in the classroom everyday which allows them to remember the lesson conducted with them.


Asked children open-ended questions:

 It allows children to have many ‘openings’ to answer and express what they know, think, feel and believe about the question. An example of a questions is "Have you traveled in car before?"

Asked children close-ended questions:

It request factual information from the children and helps children direct he answer to be clear and build on their learning on the specific topic. An         example of a questions is

"Have you traveled in car


Teaching Technique: Questioning
I gathered the children and asked some questions such as 'What transport do you all see?' and 'Have you all traveled in a car before?'. Then the children responded by saying 'Yes. My dad drives me to school in a car everyday'
00:56 - 01:17
Teaching Technique: Questioning
I brought the children on a discovery walk called, 'How We Travel'. During the walk, I asked them some questions such as, 'Do you see any land transport around you?' and 'Can you name them'. The children responded by saying 'Yes. I see a Car'
04:07 - 04:20
Teaching Technique: Documentation
After returning back to the classroom with the children, I conducted a closure activity with the children by asking them to draw their favourite land transport that they observed during the walk. Therefore, children were to document their observations through drawing.
04:41 - 05:01
Teaching Technique: Documentation
Once after the children have done their drawings, I collated the children's drawings to document them in the classroom for children to view them the consecutive day.
07:00 - 07:33

Term 4: Coming Soon...

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