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Our Pedagogical Approach

In Rainbow Tree Preschool, we believe in creating a child-directed and collaborative learning experience. Therefore, our learning approaches will be following the Reggio Emilia and Project-Based Pedagogical Approaches.

Reggio Emilia Approach

Our centre believes all children possess the capacity for creativity and needs various opportunities to nurture it and reach its full potential. In achieving this, our school strays from the more instructive manner of teaching to encourage children to take ownership in learning their desired topic (Gencer & Gonen, 2014).

Project-Based Approach

Our centre recognises the benefits of project-based approach have on children. This approach focuses on the learners and emphasises on collaborative learning with the environment. This allows for active involvement and usage of senses to explore the world around them. (Metin & Aral, n.d.).

The integration of the two approaches

The topics chosen for each term will be centred around the children’s interests to evoke their desire to learn and gain knowledge, following the Reggio Emilia approach. Project-based learning comes in where children construct their own knowledge using investigation. (Gencer & Gonen, 2014) and (Metin & Aral, n.d.).

Our Learning Environment

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As seen in image:

Display of children’s work

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As seen in image:

Based on children’s thoughts and interest

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As seen in image:
Uncluttered, welcoming environment

Learning Area 

A Reggio-inspired curriculum is always flexible and will change based on the children’s ideas, thoughts and observations. (Goodwin University, 2017).  The 4 learning corners in Rainbow Tree’s classroom will consistently be adapted to the theme per term. As the environment is the children’s “third teacher”, the 4 learning areas are are named after 4 renowned individuals of each subject, namely Picasso Corner (Aesthetic and Creative Expression), Columbus Corner (Discovery of the World), Shakespeare Corner (Language & Literacy) and Newton Corner (Numeracy). 
Materials provided in our centre are open-ended, there is no restriction on how they can be used and we welcome children to tap on their creativity to come up with their unique ideas when using these materials.

Learning Materials

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As seen in image:
Materials found in

Picasso's Corner

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As seen in image:
Materials found in

Newton's Corner

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As seen in image:
Materials found in

Columbus' Corner

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As seen in image:
Materials found in

Shakespeare's Corner


(Learning Cycle)

Every term, themes will be introduced to the children. Based on their interest, the topic for the term will be selected.

1. Topic


3. Experiment

By engaging in meaningful and interesting activities, the children will clarify their understanding of the topic.

2. Discovery

Through child-directed activities, the children will discover answers to satiate their curiousity.

4. Review

Before the end of term, the children will reflect on the discoveries made and understandings established by applying their knowledge in meaningful contexts.
Adapted from Kostelnik, Soderman & Whiren, 2011
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