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Nursery 2

Hello there! I believe that children are natural learners. With the correct environment, I hope to provide children with authentic experiences for their learning. Exposing children to the real world, I believe, is a great way to do so. They will get to form connections and thus understand the part they play in their surroundings.
-Ms Hanna
Term 1:
My Five Senses
Term 1 Overview:
In this term, children participated in activities engaging their five senses, such as touch, taste, see, smell and hear. They felt different textures, performed taste-testing, smelled various scents and distinguished sounds. This is important to increase their sense of awareness in their surroundings and the part they play in their environment. 
Term 1 Overview:
In this term, children went to the zoo to visit the animals. They were guided by a tour guide that explained the different parts of the animals. Back in the school, the children sorted out the different animals into their categories and their different body parts. They also made their own animal masks using paper plates and recycled materials.
Term 2:
 Parts of Animals
Term 3 Overview:
In this term, children will build on their prior knowledge on transportation. We will look at air and water transportation and the types of vehicles. Children will also get the chance to go to the airport to view the aeroplanes there.
Lesson Overview:
In this lesson, children engaged in a show and tell session where they showcased their air or water transport vehicles. They then sorted the vehicles into their categories. In the end, the children identified similarities of each vehicle from the same type of transport system.
Lesson Objectives:
1) Name two parts of an air transport vehicle and water transport vehicle
2) Sort the vehicles and photos into two piles: air transportation and water
is used in preschool education to gain new information, increase understanding of something or to compare our own understandings with those of other people. (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009). It helps direct children’s focus to a particular issue or event and helps children build on their learning on the specific topic that is being mentioned. (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).​


is supporting children in their longstanding success and achievement, whilst additionally upholding their growth (NAEYC, 2013).

Make verbal and non-verbal messages agree:

Making connections between body movements and hand gestures to the description of an item.

Watching, listening and learning:

Paying attention to each child's interest and temperaments to support their learning.

Asking close-ended questions:

Closed-ended questions are usually factual questions requiring either a 'yes' or 'no' answer. It limits the possible answers to the question. Therefore, it is good for the questioner to get a "straight to the point" answer.

Asking open-ended questions:

Open-ended questions have answers that are not right nor wrong. These questions provide good opportunities for understanding the children's thoughts and feelings.
Teaching Technique:  Questioning
My lesson development started off with a 'show and tell'. The children were required to bring any air transport or water transport vehicle for their sharing. I asked each child who came up to describe their vehicles and what they noticed about them. I used a misture of close-ended and open-ended questions such as "Could you describe more about..." and "Is blue your favourite colour?"
01:16 - 04:00
Teaching Technique:  Guidance
At the same time, after their sharing, I took their 'show and tell' material to explain certain parts of the vehicle using hand gestures. I managed to explain some concepts such as why the aeroplane is long and pilots.
01:26 - 04:31
Teaching Technique:  Questioning
This is the main activity where children sorted out the materials they have brought. They categorised them into air transportation or water transportation.
I asked questions like "where is this vehicle from?", and the children will answer accordingly as a class.
05:21- 06:24
Teaching Technique:  Questioning
The closure activity required children to notice similarities within each transportation cluster. For example, we looked through the air transport vehicles. I asked, "what are the similarities between these two vehicles". Therefore, the children looked closely at their parts.
06:35 - 07:43
Teaching Technique:  Guidance
Questions on water transport vehicles such as the ship, sail and canoe were raised. How was each boat similar yet different as to how they moved in the water. I guided the children by explaining the different ways boats maneuvered on the water. 
07:45 - 10:32


Term 3:
Air & Water Transportation

Term 4: Coming Soon...

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